Work in Long Beach
For an updated list of job openings in the city of Long Beach, please click HERE to view.
To submit an application to the City of Long Beach Civil Service Commission the following items are required:
A recent un-mounted full face photograph (passport size).
A copy of your birth certificate.
Your fingerprints on an official fingerprint card (obtained through the police department, sheriff's office or highway patrol).
A copy of your DD-214, if prior service.
Copy of your high school diploma.
Driver's license and social security card.
Click HERE to print application.
Click HERE to print Long Beach Fire Department Physical Agility Requirements
Click HERE to print Long Beach Police Department Physical Agility Requirements
If the property is located inside city limits and zoning is suitable, a city business license, also known as a Privilege License, must be purchased.
If the property is not located inside the City of Long Beach city limits, contact Harrison County Courthouse.